December 7, 2019

Roof Winterization Tips to Consider

commercial roofing contractors in Minneapolis can maintain your roof in winter

Frequent and heavy snows, low temperatures and freeze-thaw cycles can significantly damage a building if the roof is not in good shape to withstand severe weather. There are some winterization tips which, if you take into account, will help you keep the problems away bin the cold season, when performing roof repairs can be a real challenge.

First, make sure that your roof is inspected by the best commercial roofing contractors in Minneapolis before the arrival of winter. Potential problems and any minor vulnerability need to be identified in order to be repaired in time, otherwise they can get worse rapidly. At the same time, the exterior roof framing must also be checked. It has to be renovated, once every few years, by sanding and repainting it, in order to be protected from weather.

At the end of the fall, gutters and downspouts must be cleaned form the leaves that surely accumulated in the meantime, but also from dirt, twigs and other debris that could clog them, causing unwanted water leaks that can affect the walls and foundation of the house.

Especially if you live in a region prone to heavy snow falls, it is important to equip your roof with snow guards to prevent large amounts of snow from falling down the roof, or de-icing systems that will not allow snow accumulation or ice formation.


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