Hail Storm hits Minneapolis, Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, Cottage Grove, Plymouth and New Hope, MN
Storm Date: August 11th, 2023
On August 11th, 2023, a hailstorm with 1″ to 3″ hail hit Minneapolis, Mendota Heights, Golden Valley, Plymouth, New Hope, West St. Paul and Cottage Grove MN. Take a moment to assess your downspouts, gutters, windows, screens, siding, and soft metals. Look out for signs of hail damage. If you spot any sign of damage from the ground, don’t hesitate to call Stinson Services. Seek guidance from an expert contractor specialized in handling the storm damage process.
At Stinson Services, we specialize in the storm damage process. Our team conducts thorough property inspections, documenting all damaged areas that are eligible for replacement. Trust our expertise to ensure a seamless storm damage process and maximum coverage for your property.
Call us today at 952-933-4510 or sign up for your FREE storm damage inspection!

Yellow: 0.5″ Hail | Orange: 1″ – 2″ Hail