Energy Efficient Homes Don’t Struggle In Harsh Weather
Minnesota experiences a wide range of weather.The fierce winters and hot summers can lead to high energy bills and unexpected home damage.
Studies are showing that top home investments include: (Energy.gov)
– insulation and air sealing (prevent energy loss)
– energy efficient windows (prevent energy loss)
– programmable thermostat (lower energy usage)
– energy efficient HVAC system (lower energy usage)
– high-efficiency water heater (lower energy usage)
Energy efficient homes not only save you money, but increase comfort inside your home.
Energy Efficient Homes Don’t Waste
Older Minnesota homes experience a difficult task when it comes to fighting the climate. Most homes are not properly insulated and are full of holes, cracks and seams that allow energy (hot/cold air) to escape easily.
This escaping energy can cost you now and in the future. How?
– energy costs go Up!
– harsh ice dams
– frost on roof deck (shorter life for roofing materials)
– harmful moisture problems that can cause mold and mildew
So how do you know if you’re home is up to speed with the latest insulation and air sealing techniques?
– Have a energy audit completed on your home by your energy company.
– Sign up for a free home inspection from a insulation professional.
Energy Loss – Problem Areas
1. Attic Space
2. Basement
3. Additions
4. Lofted Rooms (1.5 story homes)
What can be done to save energy?
If you’re looking for smaller DIY projects be sure to check out Energy.gov for a list.
The major energy saving projects should be completed by professionals. Stinson Services, Inc. is a energy efficiency improvement leader in the state of Minnesota.
We qualify for all insulation and air sealing rebate programs that require high-levels of certification and an audit program on our work. Find out more about Energy Rebate Programs in our area.
Stinson Services, Inc. is a licensed Minnesota contractor that has been helping the Minneapolis/St.Paul area since 2003. We pride ourselves on Quality and Customer Service. We may not always be the lowest priced company, but we do Guarantee you’ll be happy with the finished project!
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