Four Safe Places To Look For Hail Damage
Hail damage can wreak havoc on a person’s car, property, home, and even a roof. In fact, according to the National Weather Service, hailstorms can cause up to $1 billion in damages to properties each year!
Depending on the area of the country in which you live, hailstorms can be more severe than others. Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming are the top three states that see the worst hailstorms, and are even referred to as “hail alley”.
Minnesota averages nearly 20-30 hail storms annually and is ranked 6th out of the 50 states for claim severity per home at $7,400 a claim according to Insurance Information Institute using data from 2000-2013.
After a hailstorm, you might shudder to think about assessing the damage. And while you might be heartbroken to see golf ball-sized hail damage holes in the hood of your vehicle, don’t forget about your property.
Inspecting your property for a hail damaged roof should not be avoided or forgotten about after a hailstorm passes.
First: Did You Check Your Surroundings?
What surroundings should you check?

Look at your trees and shrubs. If they have broken limbs, branches or were stripped of their leaves, then your roof might have also sustained some damage. Think about it. If the storm was strong enough to damage your trees, then it is possible that your roof is damaged as well.
Second: Do You See Broken Glass?
Is there broken glass around your property?

Secondly, look around your property for broken glass. This could be from windows, outdoor patio furniture or even your vehicles. If the hailstorm was strong enough to damage and break glass, then your roof might also have damaged shingles.
Think you have damaged shingles? – Sign up for a Free Inspection!
Third: Did You Examine Your Exterior?
Have you examined your exterior components to your home?

Take the time to examine the exterior of your home. Is your gutter system still intact? Are your outdoor appliances—such as your central air and heating units functioning? Are there any dents or cracks visible? Be sure to also look through any debris on your property for essential components that might have broken off.
Fourth: Ask A Professional Yet?
Have you called a professional roofing contractor for a free inspection?

If any or all of the above situations apply to you, then definitely examine your roof, as damage is likely. Always use safety first. If you are hesitant to climb up on your roof or you are concerned about causing further damage, then call al local roofing professional versed in roof inspections. Inspections should always be free and they should always be completed by a licensed and insured roofing company.
For more information on hail damaged roofs or for advice on repairing a roof, contact the roofing professionals at Stinson Services today. Call us today at 952-933-4510 or sign up for a free inspection!