May 29, 2018

Hail Storm Hits Ham Lake

Hail damage to house


Hail Storm Hits Ham Lake, MN

A small storm cell came through the Ham Lake area on the evening of Monday May 28, 2018. The storm brought several inches of rain, heavy winds and hail. Ham Lake MN received a above average amount of hail during this storm. A storm of this size can cause minor-major damage to your roofing system, as well as your other exterior components. A hail damaged roof can lead to other larger problems in the future.


What do you do if you have roof hail damage?

1 – You can look for hail damage on metal components of the property. The gutters, A/C unit, window cladding and screen doors will help determine if your rooftop may have been damaged during the hail storm.
2 – If you notice signs of hail damage (from the ground) it is best to contact a trusted storm damage contractor in your area. A professional storm damage inspector will not only be able to help determine if you have damage to your home, but advise you on the insurance claims process and be an advocate for your replacement roofing system.


Unexpected Issues you Might Deal with During a Hail Storm Claim

1 – Low-Ball Proposal – The number one issue with hail damage claims is the original proposal offered by the insurance company. The insurance company will typically offer property owners a “lump” sum of money to replace the roof but leave out important components that should get repaired/replaced. This may be an accident due to the amount of properties they are dealing with at this time or an act to save them money if you decide to accept the initial offer.
2 – Beware of Door Knockers – A large hail storm will cause a lot of commotion in your neighborhood. Many out of state contractors will drive/walk around hail damaged areas in hopes to sign quick contracts for a quick profit. You’ll want to ask these canvassers for a bit of information before allowing them to get on to your roof. Make sure you ask if they are licensed and insured in the state of Minnesota. Ask if they are HAAG certified inspectors and if they understand the storm damage claims process.


Ham Lake, MN was hit by hail on May 28, 2018 – How long do you have to file a claim?

1-2 years – This will depend on your insurance coverage, but the general rule of thumb with storm damage claims is at least 1 year. A lot of insurance plans allow for 1 year. However, you’ll want to call your insurance agent right away to find this information out so you have a timeline to work with throughout the process.

Minnesota’s weather sometimes leaves a property owner with only 6 months to complete a roofing claim due to the snow that sits upon your rooftop. Don’t panic but be aware that getting a roof inspection completed in a reasonable amount of time is important.

If you’re still looking for a HAAG Certified Roof Inspection – Stinson Services offers free roof inspections. We’d love to help answer any questions regarding your insurance claim and ensure your entire property is properly inspected for hail and storm damage.

Written By Tech