Cleaning Your Home Windows
Cleaning your home windows should ideally be done twice a year. But we know from experience that most people prefer to put this home maintenance project off to the side for long periods of time. The honest truth is you don’t know what you’re missing until you clean your windows and do so on a routine basis.
Here’s why you should clean your home windows and do it properly:
Windows not only provide you with the beautiful picture of the world outside, but also allow sunlight to enter your home’s interior, bringing you extra light during the day time. Also, for people looking for extra heat in the winter time, clean windows allow the sunlight into your home, providing a good source of FREE heat to help save you money. Dirty windows only create a barrier between you and these benefits.
Now if you’re not a person who is looking for a window cleaning service in Minnesota because you’re more of a DO IT YOURSELF kind of lad. Then we here at Stinson Services, Inc. have put together a step-by-step process on how to clean your home windows with very little effort.
Below you will find a handy video created by HowCast that explains everything you’ll need to know about cleaning your windows.
Video: How To Clean Your Home Windows
How To Clean Your Home Windows
Materials You’ll Need For You Window Cleaning:
-Warm Water
-White Vinegar
-Large Sponge
-Several Cloths or Towels
-Ammonia-Free Cleaner
-Vacuum with Bristle Brush Attachment
Steps For Cleaning Your Windows:
1. Pick time to wash windows when the sun isn’t directly on the window.
2. Mix into bucket. One part water to one part white vinegar.
3. Dip sponge into solution. Squeeze out the excess and wipe window down.
4. Drag squeegee from top to bottom in one fluid motion.
TIP: If you don’t have a squeegee you can dry the window with clean, lint-free cloths or with crumpled newspaper.
5. Wipe squeegee with extra cloth or newspaper to dry off the end.
6. Continue to drag squeegee over the remaining part of window until all the solution is removed from the window.
TIP: Be sure to dry your window right after you sponge it to avoid streaks.
7. Dry window sill and and window frame with cloth.
At this point the window should be sparkling clean and you can sit back and admire your new clean window. Continue this process for each window in your home. If you want to… turn on some tunes and enjoy the process of making your home a better place to live. Trust us, it will give you a little lift in your everyday life!
For more information on engery saving projects or exterior remodeling projects, please feel free to contact Stinson Services Inc. via website or call 952-933-4510.