April 17, 2019

Snow-Proofing your Flat Roof

flat roof repair MinneapolisIf you are concerned about protecting your Minneapolis flat roof from snow damage, read on and learn some tips. Flat roofs were used mostly on top of commercial buildings until recently, but nowadays they became a hot trend for modern residential buildings too.

Due to their particularities, flat roofs raise a few concerns and are more susceptible to water leaks, unless they are properly maintained.

In the perspective of the cold season, it is important to snow-proof your flat roof. Snow buildup on this type of roof can be dangerous and even make the roof collapse under its weight; but more frequently it will create conditions for ponding water and cause leaks inside the building.

Waterproofing your flat roof should be your main concern. It is about installing a waterproof membrane and replacing it when it does not provide adequate protection anymore.

Annual maintenance is another effective measure to have your flat roof ready for the cold season and its specific weather phenomena. The roof inspection should be made by certified flat roof repair Minneapolis roofers and followed by maintenance operations, to fix small issues and vulnerabilities.

Finally yet importantly, you should consider installing a snow and ice melting system, to prevent snow buildup on the roof and the blockage of the draining system.


Written By Tech