March 30, 2019

Best Commercial Roofing Materials to Prevent Hail Damage

roofing Minneapolis MN hail damage repairHail storms can form all of a sudden, out of nowhere and they come not only with heavy rain and high winds, but also with larger and smaller ice balls that can destroy whatever the find in their way. While in the case of the sloping roofs typical of residential buildings, hail stones don’t create a flat-on impact on the surface of the roof, flat commercial roofs are more sensitive to hail damage because of their special shape. Fortunately, there are many types of modern roofing Minneapolis MN building materials that can stand up even to the largest hail stones – here are some:

  • Rubber membrane – known to be able to resist hail stones up to 3 inches large, rubber roofs are among the best choices for commercial buildings in hail-prone regions;
  • Metal roofing – initially, when metal roofs were introduced, the alloys used for manufacturing the roofing panels were not strong enough to resist hail damage, but the modern, durable and resistant alloys make sure that your metal roof will not sustain any serious damage, not even when the roof gets hit by large hail stones;
  • Polyurethane roofing – the materials that these roofs are made from withstand hail stones up to 2 inches in diameter. If they are hit by larger stones, the damage sustained is usually very minor and very easy to correct.
Written By Tech